Knowing Christ and Making Him Known
GHAFES is people – students, Associates, staff and friends (of GHAFES) with a commitment to reaching the “Tertiary” world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. GHAFES is the acronym for the Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students, a national movement of inter and non-denominational Christian Fellowships in the Universities and other Tertiary Institutions in Ghana
Mission and vision
To o reach, equip and connect tertiary Students and Associates to be effective witnesses of Jesus Christ, serving as agents of change on campuses and beyond.
Our Vision
A movement of Christlike Students and Associates (Character), proclaiming Christ (Witness), transforming tertiary campuses, the church and the society (Impact)

Our Emphasis

Evangelism & Missions



Responsible Church Membership

Our Distinctiveness
National and Indigenous: We are self-governing, self-supporting, and self propagating within the context of Ghana.
A Fellowship: We are inter and non-denominational.
Evangelical: We emphasize that salvation is by faith alone through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ alone and that Scripture (the Bible) alone is the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct
Student-focused Initiative: We are student-focused and encourage students ministering to their fellow students as a primal part of our ministry.
Our Ministry
National and Indigenous: We are self-governing, self-supporting, and self propagating within the context of Ghana.
A Fellowship: We are inter and non-denominational.
Evangelical: We emphasize that salvation is by faith alone through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ alone and that Scripture (the Bible) alone is the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct
Student-focused Initiative: We are student-focused and encourage students ministering to their fellow students as a primal part of our ministry.
Our Objectives
To witness to the Lord Jesus as Saviour and God, and to lead fellow students to a personal faith in Him
To deepen the spiritual life of Christian students by devotional study of the Bible, prayer and Fellowship
To stimulate interest in evangelistic and missionary work, and prayer on its behalf
To encourage responsible local Church membership and godly transformational citizenship in students and associates (graduates)
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